Casey Blake

Casey Blake

I am a Certified Psycho-Sexologist through the European Federation of Sexology and a HPSCSA Registered Counsellor.  I have a Masters Degree in Psychology from the University of the Witwatersrand

I have practiced in the industry for over 10 years. My speciality is in sexuality, gender, relationship, parenting and erotic diversity.

Understanding Sex Therapy

Sex therapy is the opportunity to verbally process with a professional the sexual difficulties you (and potentially your partner) are experiencing.

It's the opportunity to take a more in-depth approach to exploring the beliefs that culture, family, friends, church, schools, etc. have told you about sex, relationships and intimacy. How these different elements have influenced your experience of relationships.

My Offerings

Our sexual, gender, relationship and erotic identities are important parts of our identity.

 - Individual Counselling
 - Sex Education Online Live Workshops
 - Online Course for Parents
 - Public Speaker

Counselling Services

I hold space for individuals looking to work through trauma, relationship difficulties, defining their sexual identities or enhance their sex and relationship education.

   Sexuality & Gender




On-Demand Online Course

A Toolkit for Parents - Talking To Your Kids About Sex

Are you a parent that finds speaking to your children about sex intimidating? This course gives you the tools to take initiative and have more open conversations with your kids. Professionals who work with children, from Medical Doctors, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists and more have found this course helpful, in both their personal and professional lives.

Join Casey's Live Online Workshop Series

Break down the barriers: Casey guides you through how to have appropriate and open communication with your kids about sex in a 4 part online workshop series.

Casey creates a relaxed environment to share personal experiences, to learn about evidence based best practice when talking to kids about sexuality, and to critically think through every day dilemmas so you feel more equipped to deal with them when they come up.

Its never too early to start having certain conversations with my children – to be open and honest on topics which I previously might have thought they were not yet ready for. Learning this skill will allow me to be a source of correct information to them, making them feel comfortable and confident enough to approach me with anything.

Casey is very well informed about how to discuss the body, safe touches, consent, sex and reproduction with your children and she is able to share that knowledge with you in a manner that is easily understandable.


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073 221 2609


Minuach Street, Highway Gardens, Germiston

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